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7418HJ Deventer

Phone: +31 88 028 43 63
Email: info@ecommedics.com

Bus. Reg.: 08170531
VAT number: NL819003888B01

Distributors wanted

We are looking for distributors for the global promotion of our products. For more information, you can email us at info@ecommedics.com.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for serious partners who would like to expand with us in building on our products’ current success. We are actively seeking companies in the beauty- and health sector. Do you have a beauty parlor and are considering ways to boost your turnover, why not consider adding our products to your assortment!

What do we offer?

You will be able to purchase our products at very competitive distributor prices, with very low minimum order quantities. Furthermore we can provide personalized posters and leaflets to help you promote our product.

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De waardering van www.ecommedics.com bij WebwinkelKeur Reviews is 8.4/10 gebaseerd op 28 reviews.