Elegance HCG Oral24

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16/02/2025 - 22/02/2025

Food supplements and skin care products

EcomMedics offers five powerful weight loss treatments, all based on Dr. Simeon’s famous HCG diet. In addition, EcomMedics offers the powerful Elegance Purelift Anti-Wrinkle Cream. We are constantly developing new products to expand our offer. Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page to stay up to date and receive special discounts! Check the product categories at the top of the page to find all of EcomMedics’ products.

EcomMedics is part of EcomBizz BV: an international group that engages in the manufacturing, import and export of food supplements. The products of Ecommedics are all over the counter food supplements, that do not require prescriptions.

All of EcomMedics’ products are manufactured fully compliant with strict GMP and HACCP standards. It means that procedures are followed that guarantee quality, food safety and hygiene.

The EcomMedics products are monitored by the Dutch new Food Safety Authority (nVWA) and are registered in Brussels under their NUT-numbers.

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